These 6 Homeless men became Christians today, of 12 Repenters! Thanks Pastor Richard Gay for leading these men to Repentance. Thanks to Clyde and Marty Beavers for counseling the other 6.
Thanks to Martha, Steve, Ed, Andrew, Melanie, for doing all the work while all the hundreds of our other volunteers enjoyed their air conditioned Saturday on vacation or mission trip… We lost 1 this week to cocaine…I pray someday soon that it burdens others to lose a Disciple in Training like it does me…maybe even enough to be Good Shepards, to leave the 99 safely in the barn, to search for the 1 “Little Lost Lamb” that is lost and in danger.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND EFFORTS…LOUIE E. JOHNSTON JR. REMEMBER…To win the World, we have to get outside the Church walls! “Muslim Recruiters are recruiting in areas where CHRISTIANS WILL NOT GO, to people CHRISTIANS DO NOT SEE!” (Homeless, Prisons, Poor) (Louie E. Johnston Jr., video “Speak Truth to Muslims?” found on “We cannot win the world to Christ, if we do not first win our own City!”