June 11, 2010




Homeless Vietnam War Veteran wants to THANK YOU!
Gerald Waynick is a long time regular at our Saturday Mobile Street Ministry.
Gerald wants to Thank You for your Clothing you donate, clothing he depends on getting from us regularly to survive. Gerald wants to thank you for every dollar of support that keeps us coming on Saturdays. Gerald is a Christian, knows the Lord, knows the Word, and knows he has no other hope.
(Why are our Homeless Veterans 1/3 of Homeless population nationally?)


Gerald Waynick, pictured, had a best friend growing up. Where you saw one, you saw the other…best friends for life. The U.S. Military in the late 1960s offered a “Buddy Program”, where 2 or 3 buddies could enlist together, be assured of going through basic training together, and keep “buddies” together as much as possible. Gerald and his buddy enlisted together at the peak of the Vietnam War, determined that together they could defeat any enemy. This is a
story I have heard hundreds of times, in counseling with our Homeless Veterans, who make up 1/3 of every Homeless population nationally…it is too consistent, as is this story…this story could be at the core of Vet depression.

Gerald did not last 6 weeks in the Military. He discovered issues beyond his control, and received an Honorable Discharge in 1969, returning home to find his hero send off would never be fulfilled, and shame appeared his destiny.

Unable to overcome, Gerald fell deeper into dysfunction, unable to focus, and when the news came from the war…that his “Buddy” he had enlisted with was killed, the disconnect with reality and ability to function landed Gerald on the Streets, Homeless, Hopeless, although one of the very few Vets I meet on the Streets who have their Healthcare paid 100% by the VA…most are charged and must pay 70% of their costs out of their pocket, a national disgrace.
Gerald was elated today when I allowed him to be the first to pick out clothing as a special treat to thank him for his service to our country. He gave his best, his Military record proves it, and he should be cared for by the USA.


Just 2 months ago, this young man was Homeless, suffering mental health trauma from a life of accumulated baggaged that almost paralyzed him emotionally. Because you cared, we were there when Adam needed an opportunity, and today he is caught enthusiastically serving hot coffee and ice cold iced water to the Homeless. Adam loves being productive, volunteers for this ministry every minute not working, and God is Discipling Adam daily…an honor to watch.


DonelsonView Baptist Church has become one of our best ministry partners, bringing well behaved and focused children, terrific youth, and adults commited to serving every month. We have 3 Churches like DonelsonView who have regular groups of volunteers coming every month for 1-2 Saturdays…joining our core group of Volunteers from 7 area Churches…these folks are working in our Sack Lunch factory, and none worked harder with more focus than these children. They did not come to play. They came to serve God by loving the Homeless.
They were an honor to work with, and taught by example the beauty of sharing God’s love.

Chief Chef Chuck Klusener (with the hat) trains eager DonelsonView youth in the fine art of taking Chick Fil A donated Chicken from the bulk box to our cooking bags, and into our boiling water on the grill/stoves. Karrie and Colleen (front of the bus) have already sorted our clothing donations and are ready to serve the Homeless men who need them desperately.
5 Homeless seeking God…found Him today!
Share these blessings…help us help others any Saturday morning…make precious memories with your family that literally last for ETERNITY.
9 to Noon…rain or snow, on Drexel Street at 8th Ave South, Nashville

Prayer Requests and Praise!
1. Pray 1 minute weekly for this ministry! Pray on Saturday mornings if possible.
EXECUTIVE SALARIES…are you kidding me? None, zero, nobody is paid a dime in this ministry!
BUILDING FUND…wrong again…no buildings, we are a Mobile Homeless Street Ministry.
Real expenses we depend on God to provide as He chooses…
VEHICLE COSTS…Fuel, insurance, repairs, maintenance, license tags…road running depreciation.
CONSUMABLES…propane, peanut butter, lunch sacks, sandwich bags, coffee, creamer, drink cups, foil, cleaners, trash bags, dishwashing liquid, napkins…and only after those basic needs are met, then we need supplies for the homeless that we can buy in bulk, like personal hygiene kits, socks, underwear…and bottled water saves lives in the summer!

Our “budget” consists of “whatever comes in, spend it on the needy”, then we wait until more comes in to spend on the needy. We have always been a “zero sum” ministry, not a business. The needs are too great to “hold some money back for a rainy day” when it is always an emergency day in the War Zone! No “sinking fund” here, because it is the
Homeless that are sinking, dying brutal deaths daily on the Streets…God did not cause people to give to this ministry to build our savings or balance sheet, but to build His children a means of escape by rescuing them today! Ever confident HE will provide, has always been our faith walk.

This ministry’s only source of donations of Food,
Clothing, Shelter, and all funding is Private
Donations from God’s blessed people, like
you, from all types of Christian Churches across
America, with no Government Funding
whatsoever…we actually pray with the needy,
which disqualifies us from Government funding.

As a Christian Patriots Minister, Historian, Constitutionalist, Documentarian, Author,Louie E. Johnston Jr. personifies the American dream, being blessed of God in the greatest nation on earth for opportunity.


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