April 16, 2011



16 Homeless God Seekers answer His Invitation for Rescue FROM THE WAR ZONE!
10 Homeless Saved of 16 Repenters! Pastor Richard Gay, below, leads these 10 Homeless to be saved!
Feeding the Hungry, Clothing the Naked, Sheltering the Homeless! Preaching the Gospel, Training Disciples!


Feeding the Hungry, Clothing the Naked, Sheltering the Homeless! Preaching the Gospel, Training Disciples!


Phil and Julie Robertson’s Family, including Niece from Memphis, Amy Cordell, Martha and Paul Pfeil, did all the work of serving 160 Homeless men and women yesterday. This Judson Baptist Church group did the set up, cook and serve the hot banquet meal, serve hot coffee, make sack lunches, organized the Clothing Bus, served 100+ getting clothing, all the take down, clean up, pack up, even driving both busses to our parking place at Ken Binkley signs, the only place in Nashville we can park our equipment we use to serve the Homeless weekly.

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That is Clyde’s son Marty hiding in the back with Phil Robertson, who below is serving hot banquet plates with Paul Pfeil under the watchful eye of our Dining Room Supervisor Clyde Beavers…hard to believe those guys standing are actually positioning to move to another table to get another plate of food, as if I cannot see it, but if this is the worst a few pull off, it’s ok.

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Cold Windy Day, with a full house of 160 Hungry Homeless Men and Women who come to only outdoor Church for the Homeless on Saturday mornings. Martha Pfeil and Clyde Beavers started the service with solos, then the Choir led a Praise Chorus until all 160 Homeless joined in singing, a sight that made God smile…in fact He warmed us with His smile and honored us with 10 Homeless Saved among 16 Homeless called to Repentance, which totals 8,664 now in our 10th year, with 2,165 Homeless accepting Christ to become New Creations, and walk a new way of life.


Marty Beavers, Clyde’s son, helps in every way, praying or feeding.

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Phil Robertson prays with 3 Repenters, “broken men” as he describes, while Clyde Beavers and son Marty pray with another 3 Repenters seeking God.



If you can pray one minute every week for this ministry…God can use YOU!
If you can phone, email or sort food/clothing for this ministry…God can use YOU!
If you can DRIVE, pick up food donations week days for this ministry…God can use YOU!

PRAISE! We feed 2,000 Homeless meals weekly through partnership with Belmont Church’s Isaiah 58 program and the Rescue Mission, who get 200-300 Pizzas each week from our Food Collection Route. What an HONOR you who care, share!

NEEDS… We have served Church congregations faithfully now for 10+ years, counseling and serving their problems as much as we do the Homeless population, many of whom have Church family ties. We have needs to meet to operate we need The Church to address.

LABORERS FOR THE FIELDS TRULY RIPE WITH HARVEST! Saturday morning outdoor Church for the Homeless requires 12 good Volunteers willing to give up a Saturday morning to do the dirty work it takes to set up a Church, Restaurant and Clothing Store to serve the Homeless, all for the chance to obey God’s instructions that we Christians do just that…in HIS name.

Building we can use for full time Homeless and Needy Ministries…there, I’ve said it.

Building we can use for a small Thrift Store to sell donations of household goods Churches with the Human and Financial Resources AND calling of God to help expand these ministries to new areas of need, geographically, days and times to serve, new volunteer teams willing to accept full responsibility to do the work, and still give all Glory to God.

New Quiet Generator to replace the generator stolen from our locked Ministry Van. We need a new generator large enough to plug in 3 commercial coffee pots onsite. Our newly donated backup generator needs repairs. Volunteers not only for Saturday mornings, but anytime during the week for 2-3 hours to pick up and transport Food Donations on Monday and Friday a.m., repackage food, etc. Mechanics for our Busses, Trucks, and Cargo Van, particularly for Spring and Summer.

OPERATIONS FUNDING...we need regular, dependable funding for our Operations. A volunteer with a “couple of hours a week” would help immensely in this area. An Operations Coordinator out there?
SATURDAY MORNING VOLUNTEERS…need 8-12 Volunteers every Saturday MORNING! We are the ONLY ministry serving hot coffee to 100-160 Homeless, furnishing a 1,600 sf tent with nice chairs and tables, an Hour of Praise and Worship music followed by a full Church service with singing, preaching, spiritual counseling and
prayer, a hot banquet meal, a sack lunch to go, and a change of Clothes from our Clothes Bus complete with underwear, socks, and grooming items.

Caring for their physical needs provides opportunity to serve their spiritual needs, evidenced by 8,481 Homeless Repenters in this, our 10th year. I cannot help but laugh at those many who laughed at me and said “It will not last”. Maybe it won’t, but 10 years and 8,499 Homeless souls rescued from Hell on Earth and hereafter is a real good start…to God be the Glory!

As a Christian Patriots Minister, Historian, Constitutionalist, Documentarian, Author,Louie E. Johnston Jr. personifies the American dream, being blessed of God in the greatest nation on earth for opportunity.


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