January 29, 2011


God Wins! Devil Loses! Former Ministry enemy is forgiven, joins us!

Lessons Ministries Director Louie Johnston


In February, 2006, Former Pastor of College Heights Baptist Church Jeff LaBorg was misled to bring charges of wrongdoing against Layman Lessons Ministries Director Louie Johnston. 700 members, most of whom did so without knowing the truth, voted to shun Louie Johnston and Layman Lessons Ministries.


Jeff demanded complete cut off of all volunteer service and donations from the hundreds of Ministry supporters and personal “friends” of Louie Johnston. LaBorg controlled a website to warn other Churches against supporting this ministry as well, until January 1, 2011 when Jeff LaBorg emailed Louie Johnston to personally advise he had discovered he was completely wrong, asked forgiveness and for the opportunity to restore Louie Johnston’s good name and the good name of our Layman Lessons Ministries.


Jeff advised he had already taken down the website that was a slander sword many used against us to harm us. Jeff Laborg was forgiven in 2006 within days of bringing charges of wrongdoing and imposing Church Discipline, not because Louie Johnston wanted to do so, but because he was ordered to do so in God’s word.
Pictured above is Jeff LaBorg, left, and Director Louie Johnston, right, serving together Saturday to minister to 100+ Homeless men and women gathered for our Mobile Homeless Street Ministries.


Reconciliation and Restoration with College Heights Baptist Church in Gallatin, TN is expected as the next Biblical step to right these wrongs permanently, and set the example of how Christians must resolve our differences in forgiveness, as God forgives each of us. How many of the 700 former “friends” who voted to shun the Director without proof, prayer or phone call will be convicted and repent is in God’s hands, but will not get one smidgen of further energy from our Ministry!


Justin Franks, Master Craftsman in construction, shows his son Noah how Christian men serve the Homeless, by Feeding the Hungry, as they carried plates of food to the 100+ full house of Homeless.

Noah Franks from Judson Baptist Church

Noah Franks from Judson Baptist Church gets hands on training in Feeding the Hungry, Clothing the Naked!

Jeff LaBorg

Yes, that is Jeff LaBorg on the left, and Richard Gay on the right, both leading Homeless men to making Professions of Faith, to change ther lives to living for God instead of for themselves. 8 Homeless saved today of the 15 Repenters answering the Altar

Call…what a God!
Below, Justin Franks prays with Seekers while Clyde Beavers prays with 5 seekers, after singing with Martha Pfeil to open our service.

Martha Pfeil

Chris from Judson Baptist

Chris from Judson Baptist serves while Chuck Klusener from Christ Church resupplies the serving pans from his cooking area. Ben Floyd brought his friend from Nashville Auto Diesel College, pictured with a tray of 2 hot food plates he is hustling out to the Homeless seated.

Homeless and Hopeless

Homeless and Hopeless, this brother is moved that he got great clothes that fit, and snazzy new shoes with his underwear and grooming items…all because people like YOU care to provide them from your surplus to Share the Blessing.

As a Christian Patriots Minister, Historian, Constitutionalist, Documentarian, Author,Louie E. Johnston Jr. personifies the American dream, being blessed of God in the greatest nation on earth for opportunity.


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